Yikes!! It's been a REALLY long time since I've blogged. Geez, that was a pretty big epil fail in the "Mommy recording cute memories" department. I've been so busy with work stuff, and photos for other peoples families, that I don't let myself take the time to relax and record MY family moments, like I use to... so here is attempt #1 to get back on that bandwagon!
And what a fun way to re-start.... with the Introduction of the Elf on the Shelf.
We've been telling Kaylee for weeks that Santa is going to send an elf to live with us, so he can keep a good eye on her and know how good of a little girl she is.
We told her last night, that Elf would be here in the morning when she woke up. She was so excited that she wanted to wrap her a present for when she arrives! She is either really really sweet and giving... or a total suck up, because she knows the Elf has connections to Santa! :)
So last night, while we were allllll asleep. The Elf came to see us! Kaylee woke up to a breakfast straight from the North Pole!
The Elf had made.... reindeer pancakes! With a side of fruit candy cane kabobs, chocolate milk with snow (marshmellows), and chocolate chip cookies!
It was yummy!
Elf even brought us a mound of snow-covered donuts!
It didn't take Kaylee long to spot the Elf. "LOOK! Elf came to see us!!"
I think her favorite part was realizing Elf had found and opened the gift Kaylee left for her.
Oh, and Elf finally has a name... brought to by Kaylee herself... Snowflake.
"Her name is Snowflake"
Time to eat!
Photo Opp!
Snowflake left Kaylee a letter explaining why she is here.
And even left her a book to read at night! Here's what the letter said:
Good Morning Kaylee, I am one of Santa’s elves sent from the North Pole! Santa is very busy this time of year, and sent me to live with you, so I can tell him how good of a little girl you are!! Did you know I can fly? Every night, I fly back to the North Pole to tell him about our day together! I am so excited to live with you! Santa has given us some rules though: #1 Please don’t touch me! I really love to watch you play nicely, and I wish I could play with you, but if someone touches me, I loose my magic and can’t fly! #2 I can’t talk. Sorry! Santa has asked me nicely not to talk. But please talk to me. I love listening to you! #3 I have to go back to the North Pole. On Christmas Eve, when Santa comes to your house, he will take me home with him to the North Pole. I will be back next year! I am so excited to tell Santa every night what a good girl you’ve been! I hear you would like stickers, baby doll and a camera, is that right? Don’t forget to tell me anything else on your list, so I can tell Santa! So please remember to say please and thank you, so I can tell Santa how polite you are, okay?? OH, and please no whining! It really hurts my tiny ears and makes me so sad! Enjoy your breakfast... straight from the North Pole!! Love - Elf (now known as Snowflake)

We had so much fun. I think the North Pole Breakfast was a hit!
(except for the part that Mommy pretended to touch Snowflake, and Kaylee burst into tears because "She can't fly to the North Pole on Monday!"... why on Monday? I have no idea, but Kaylee is convinced she is going with her.)
Can't wait to see the crazy things Snowflake does over the next month!
See seems like a little trickster ;)