February 19, 2012

Making Crafts

We decided to make crafts for all the Grandparents and cousins this morning! Too bad we didn't know we needed glue until it was too late. And can you believe we don't have ANY glue in our house??? Except hot glue gun, and that wasn't happening with Kaylee fingers close.

Oh well... it's the thought that counts, right?? :)

Okay Momma! I'm ready!
"A dis!" aka "what's this?"


Every day, part of our routine consists of balls, Elmo dancing, and more balls... 

See for yourself :)

All Girl

Just a little glimpse into our morning today...  I don't think it needs much commentary... She is just... all girl :)

Happy Valentine's Day!

Kaylee had her very first Valentine's Day party at school! In her ECFE class, we decorated boxes and they kids had a little party. So cute. She loved going through her box and checking everything out.

Look "Momma. Harrrrt"
 Petrie taking a peek.
 She studied every single thing in the box.
 Sorting the candy, and tossing the paper.
 Mmmm found some candy!

 "OOK Momma"
 ha! not sure what this face is about!

Okay that was fun :) Happy Valentine's Day!

... and we're back!

AH! I've been SO bad about blogging! I wish I could back up and catch up completely, but I know that's not realistic. SO, I'm promising myself to blog like I use to. I love looking back at this time last year, and seeing the small parts of our day.
SO, here's our new start!

Kaylee and I have signed up for Mommy & Me Dance Classes. They start this coming week. I'm so excited! Kaylee's ballet slippers came in the mail, and I couldn't wait to watch her try them on... I never imagined THIS would happen...

She started dancing!
Oh gosh, it was adorable! She just twirled and twirls. I sure hope she loves class as much as she loves her shoes!!

We've been practicing a little at home too. Rachel & Ari introduced us to the "Elmo Slide" youtube video...

It's definitely a new favorite :)