Second stop, Chick-fil-A! And look who we found! JORDAN! Laura Howe was also there with her family! PLUS, several of Moms friends... it was the place to be that day.
Next on the list, Sushi Date with Stacey McKendry & Ashley McRay at my favorite restaurant, Pirahnas Killer Sushi. Lauren Wolfe & Kayla Folger met us too! So it turned into a Sigma Chi Sweetheart lunchdate :)

Mom helped to make sure I was able to go to all my favorite restaurants while in town! She was a good sport... So, we we couldn't forget to make a stop at Wing Stop! Mmmm, I love their fries!
We also had some good ol' home cookin... Like Spring Rolls.
Aren't we fancy!! Kimberly made these! (Whitney was there in spirit!)
Okay, enough about food. It's making me hungry! Since it was Thanksgiving, we were able to be with family! We loved it so much. And of course... stopped for a few photo opps with family :)
Uncle Ted and Susan :) Growing up, Uncle Ted was little a second Dad to me.
I knew I could always count on him... I love seeing him & Susan with Kaylee.
Kaylee definitely loves her Aunt Whitney & Uncle Todd
One of my favorite photos from the week
The week wouldn't be complete without a picture with my Granny. If you know me, you know how special she is to me. I'm so grateful that she has been able to love on Kaylee. I love Pa, NaNa, & Judy Baby so much, and I never take it for granted when Granny is able to be with us.
I know I will treasure these pictures one day :)
Kaylee and I wanted to stop and visit with my friend, Blythe, and meet new little 3 week old Owen!
Isn't he so sweet??
So since they were both so cute. We did a photoshoot, DUH!
I can't believe how big she has gotten! And I can't believe she was as tiny as Owen only 4 months ago!
Next stop! To see my friend Anna and her 11 month old son, Carter!
Aren't the so cute?!! Look at all those cheeks and baby rolls between the two of them!
Uh oh, photo time is over haha
And our final stop of the Texas Tour... Mary Kay Girls Night Out!
These ladies are my mentors in MK, family, and faith. They are the most amazing, supportive, energetic, and faith-filled group of people I know.
Unfortunately, all the fun had to come to an end at some point. :(
We stopped by to see Mom (aka Pippy) at school to give her one more big hug.
Then off to Dad & Kimberlys (aka Pa&KK)
The official send off! We love y'all! See you at Christmas in a MONTH! :)
I was so good seeing you and Kaylee! Stay warm this winter!