Someone is learning how to play Peek-a-boo! She hasn't QUITE figured out where her hands go just yet. She smacks herself in the head over and over... she thinks it's funny, so that's all that matters :)

Her hair is definitely growing! Working on the sideburns like Daddy, I guess.
Alright, now on to something else...
She concentrates SO hard trying to put her blocks together.
She concentrates SO hard trying to put her blocks together.
Okay bored with that... next thing! Crawl over to the exersaucer and play.
She doesn't want to be inside of it anymore, but still loves the toys.
Okay and now the highchair (now I know why I've lost so much weight lately!
Who needs a gym or Zumba Video when you have a 10 month old.
Who needs a gym or Zumba Video when you have a 10 month old.
Next Up! Meal time :)
"Mom, get that camera out of my face and feed me already"
"MOM! I'm serious!
"I have it so rough"
Mealtime is over (and yes she got fed!) Now look who thinks it's funny to turn around in the highchair. Nu uh! Not okay little one! She thought it was so funny here, until I turned her back around and we had a small meltdown.
Warning: do NOT lay on the floor or your belly button WILL be dug into
"See Mommy! It's fun!"
She is so fun right now. Everything is a game, and she is always learning something! It's so neat to watch.
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