October 8, 2010

3 Month Photo Shoot

We had round one of our three month photo shoot this morning. We had a rough night last night waking up almost every hour. We've never done this before.... maybe Kaylee just wanted to stay up and have lots of Mommy and Kaylee time before her big birthday? That's what I'm choosing to believe... HA!
We took a good morning nap from about 8am-11am (which we BOTH needed), then after we filled our tummies, we decided to go outside for our monthly photo shoot.

I think they turned out pretty cute!


Kaylee was such a good little model, that we treated ourselves to a drive to Preston with GG to get a fresh apple pie from the apple and berry farm. Yummmmm, thanks GG!


  1. Hey Shortcake....you are developing a very good eye for composition :)....wonder where you got that!!

  2. You are so creative. If I ever have a lil one I am so doing this. Love love love it, so cute.

  3. So cute! What a great idea! She is such an adorable little pumpkin!

  4. I love all your pictures! I'm playing catch up reading today! I wish I lived somewhere with a real fall and winter!
